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Appeals Process

The Co-Curricular Appeals Process
The purpose of an appeal is to provide a resolution to any discrepancies between the validator* and the student** regarding a student's co-curricular record.

A student can begin the process of an appeal should they believe that:

  • There was an error in the process; or
  • A decision was made unfairly; or
  • Critical information was excluded from the initial validation process.


Step 1:
The first stage of the co-curricular record appeals process is for the student to arrange a meeting with the validator in order to discuss possible solutions.

Step 2:
If the validator and student do not come to a mutual agreement, the student can choose to schedule a second mediation attempt with the Coordinator, Co-Curricular Programs to provide mediation between the validator and the student in order to come to a resolution.

Step 3:

If the student is not satisfied with the resolutions provided from steps one and two, they can set up a meeting with the Director of Student Success and Engagement where an indisputable decision will be made regarding their appeal. Results from the appeal will be provided to all parties in writing.
*A validator is defined as the staff, or faculty member of Humber College whom is responsible for approving or declining student participation in a co-curricular experience related to the Validator's position/portfolio.
**A student is defined as an active student of Humber College.