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CCR Resources


All experiences captured on the CCR must provide valuable competency development and be identified on the CCR's competency framework. The framework was developed to help students articulate their learning as they complete co-curricular experiences. Students will utilize the framework to reflect on their experiences and identify the most relevant skills they have developed based on a list of all possible skills aligned with each activity, which are added directly on the record.


The CCR framework has four tiers: Meta-competencies, Competencies, Transferrable Skills for Employment, and Achievement Statements. All tiers are connected, moving from the general to the applied, ultimately concentrating on the articulation of specific skills development.

  • Meta-Competencies: There are four meta-competency categories within which the competencies are organized in the framework namely: Fundamental, Personal, Interpersonal, and Community.

  • Competencies: There are fourteen competencies, which capture all possible competency development that students have the opportunity to achieve in any co-curricular experience.

  • Transferrable Skills for Employment (TSE): To ensure clarity around terminology for students and employers, the end-users of the record, forty-four TSEs were crafted to articulate the specific transferrable skills developed by students as a result of engaging in their co-curricular experience.

  • Achievement Statements: Each TSE is aligned with a student achievement statement to provide context for the TSEs that students had the opportunity to develop in their co-curricular experience.

To view the full CCR Competencies Framework: click here

To view a tutorial video on how to validate a CCR request: click here

To view a tutorial video on how to add a new experience to the CCR: click here